Ningbo University Law School was founded on May 18th, 2000. It was composed of three academic departments: Department of Law, Department of Social Science and Moral Education Center. The Department of Law was established in 1986 with assistance of Department of Law of Peking University. It was one of the eight earliest departments founded in Ningbo University.
Ningbo University Law School now has two departments (Department of Law, Department of Public Administration), two majors (Law Major, Administrative Management Major) and six institutes/centers (Institute of Civil and Commercial Law, Institute of Theoretical Jurisprudence, Institute of Economic Law and Environmental Law, Procedural Law Center, Criminal Law Center and Institute of Public Management).
Ningbo University Law School actively carried out international exchange and cooperation, and has established stable academic links with many universities. There are more than 100 teachers and students visited universities in America, England, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Sweden, Spain, Iceland and other countries, as well as many universities in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for academic exchanges. Many foreign scholars have been invited to the school to give lectures, and we also hold international academic conferences from time to time.
(Vermont Law School)、西俄勒冈大学(Western Oregon University,U.S.A.)、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney, Australia)、堪培拉大学、捷克查理大学(Charles University, Czech Republic)、哈萨克斯坦国际商业大学等高校签署法学专业校际合作协议。目前,已有留学生60多名,涵盖法学(国际法方向)本科生、法学硕士生和渔业经济管理(与商学院合建)博士生三个层次。
Ningbo University has signed cooperation agreements with Vermont Law School, University of Pittsburgh, University of Technology Sydney, Western Oregon University, Charles University , etc. At present, there are nearly 60 international students, including undergraduate students, graduate students, and fishery economic management (jointly established with the Business School) doctoral students.